Useful Phrases
Communicating with Hotel Staff
Hello! - Assalomu aleykum!
How are you? - Yaxshimisiz?
Where is the nearest hotel? - Eng yaqin mehmonxona qayerda?
I’ve got a reservation in your hotel - Men sizning mehmonxonangizni bron qildim
I’d like a single room / double room /suite - Menga bitta xona / ikki kishilik xona / lyuks kerak
How much is this room per night? - Ushbu xona kuniga necha pul turadi?
What does the price include? - Narxiga nima kiradi?
Is there a shower / bathroom /conditioner / internet access / TV /fridge in the room? -
Xonada dush /hammom / konditsioner / internet /televizor / muzlatgich bormi?
I will pay with a credit card/ cash - Men kredit karta/naqd bilan to‘layman
Could you send the luggage to my room? - Yukimni xonamga yubora olasizmi?
I’ve lost my room key - Men xonamni kalitini yo‘qotdim
Could you make up my room? - Mening xonamni tozalay olasizmi?
What time do I need to check out? - Soat nechada xonani bushatish kerak?
I’d like to extend my stay for a few days - Men yana bir necha kun qolishni istardim
I’d like to check out - Men xonamni bushatmokchiman
Good bye! - Sog‘ bo‘ling! (Literally meaning, “may you be healthy” this phrase is commonly used to bid farewell instead of the more literal phrase for goodbye (hayir).
Have a nice day! - Kuningiz xayirli bo‘lsin!
Uzbek Pronunciation Guide
There are 6 vowels in the Uzbek alphabet.
a - similar to English a in cat
e - similar to English e in bet
i - similar to English i in it
o - similar to English ou in bought
u - similar to English u in put
o‘ - similar to English o in toy
There are 22 consonants in the Uzbek alphabet.
They are: b, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, y, z, g‘, sh, ch, and ng.
While most consonants will be somewhat similar to English equivalents, there are 4 letters which do not have any corresponding sound in English:
r - similar to Spanish trilled r
q - similar to a k, but pronounced further back in the throat
x - similar to German ch in Bach
g‘ - like a French or German r
Is it helpful to learn the Cyrillic alphabet while travelling in Uzbekistan?
While the Uzbek language is officially written in the Latin script, there are still many restaurant menus and signs that are in Cyrillic (both Russian and Uzbek language), and many Uzbeks, especially the older generation who are more comfortable with Cyrillic than Latin. If you are able to learn Cyrillic before you visit, it will be most useful. For those who cannot, Google Translate will come in handy.